Our Story Begins Here

Moon Drops Distillery is the story of family and friends bonding together over shared drinks. It’s the memories made sitting around a bonfire, the laughter, the conversations that stretched into the early morning hours. It’s where the magic begins.

The Idea…

After years of enjoying hand-crafted, signature cocktails with family and friends, we knew we had something special. Creating signature, ready-to-drink moonshine recipes was our first goal. We knew we had a long road ahead of ourselves, so we rolled up our sleeves and got to work.

The Work…

After a few years of learning the ins and outs of the distilling industry, we finally saw our dream begin to take shape. We purchased “Big Momma”, our copper still, we partnered with local Indiana farmers to supply us with the best grains available, and made a commitment to be “made in the USA”. We built a Tasting Room where locals and newcomers can gather, and craft enthusiasts can visit and enjoy a cocktail. The result of our hard work can be seen in our unique vision and core values, encapsulated in a space where everyone can feel at home.

The Rest…

Our story is just getting started. Everything we do is planting a seed for the future.

If you only remember one thing about us, let it be this:

We believe you can’t hurry the process. And sometimes, the best products take a little longer to reach perfection, to reach the standard we’ve set for ourselves. That’s because we’re dead set on creating superior quality with hand-selected, locally sourced ingredients that pay homage to our Indiana roots. Trust us when we say, you’ll be able to taste the difference.

At Moon Drops, we’re proud that our product is Made in America from grain to glass, right here in Fortville, Indiana. Everything from our high-quality ingredients to our equipment is either sourced locally from neighbors or made right here in the good ‘ole USA.