Liquid to Lips

June 3, 2024

“Liquid to lips” – it’s a tantalizing phrase but one that is at the core of the beverage industry. Introducing your products to the public is no easy feat. Even the most captivating packaging may not impel someone to buy. One step into any aisle of a liquor store can be an overwhelming endeavor.

So how do we do it? Samplings, in-store tastings, festivals. Getting your product literally “on the lips” (or in the mouth) of your potential consumer is tantamount to ultimately selling your product and growing a loyal following. It’s at these events that we can share our story, make personal connections, and talk about our product in ways that labels can’t. Many a man- and woman-hours are spent at these events by the creators/founders, sales teams, and employees to provide the “liquid to lips’ experience.

We encourage you to attend these local festivals that are happening in your own communities and at your favorite liquor stores. Connect with the local craft beverage makers, like Moon Drops, and let’s all drink responsibly, local.

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